
Showing posts from January, 2013

Curves Class

With my sewing machine working again I have to get a wriggle on to catch up with the curves class projects. I have a half day at work today so I am doing some sewing this fine morning. I have completed the first project. Curved Bunting. It's a pretty cute project. For now it will be hanging in my bedroom which is a very small room and painted a very dark green. I added the solid white in the hopes that it will brighten up the room a little more. Well I'm off to make some bibs. Wish me luck.

Garden Steps blocks 4 - 6

I finished blocks four, five and six and I must say I love them. I am loving the look of this quilt but I can't decide what I will do with it when it's finished. I know, I know I'm jumping the gun a bit. My Mum really likes the blocks and I am planning on making her a quilt for her 50th birthday later this year but I want to make her a lap quilt for nights on the lounge in front of the TV. I feel like lap quilts get very grotty in this house with a certain dog who loves comfort as well as general spills and dirt. I'm not sure if this quilt will be able to stand the amount of washing. I don't want to ruin all my handstitching. I am thinking of making Mum something similar but a bit more sturdy. I have been checking out the clover and violet  flickr group . I love how everyone's blocks are slightly different due to their stitching style and colour choices. It's been really fun. I have finally fixed my blogger as it wasn't allowing me to