
Showing posts from April, 2013

Lucky stars BOM 1

Last year a friend from work and I decided to join the Dont call me Betsy Lucky stars BOM. I was about to leave that job so we thought it would be a nice idea to catch up once a month to make a star block. Sounds simple enough right. We also decided we wanted to do them using English paper piecing instead so we would be able to chat. It has taken a long time but our fabrics have been chosen, ordered, shipped and delivered. We managed to pick a day we were both free. We had a nice morning of sewing, chatting, eating scones and drinking tea. Im using a Happy go lucky layer cake and Kayley is using little apples yardage. Here is my first block I have a few issues with the colour placement but I decided that its just one star there will be eleven more so it the grand scheme of things it really wont matter. This quilt is about fun, catching up with a friend and we both thing it will be totally amazing to have a quilt made by hand. No sewing machine at all. Im sure by the tim

Covert Robin

My partner for the covert robin was Danny. It was a bit of a shock at first because I had no idea what to make a man but after a little while I found it a learning experience and I really enjoyed making his gifts. I stalked his Pinterest account and put my thinking cap on and this is what I came up with. A covered book A business card holder and a magnetic photo frame made from tiny corks I hope he likes them. I was spoilt rotten. Jennie from  clover and violet made me a lovely gift. There blog is my favourite by far. I love everything they do. You can see Jennies whole post here As you can see I received a pouch, needle case, pin cushion, perle cotton, the cutest pins ever, some embroidery needles, scissors and some clips for keyrings. It all is so pretty and well made. I showed my Mum and she thought it looked professional. It looks so cute with everything in the pouch. I keep taking everything out to look at and then packing it all back

Happy mail.

Today I recieved the blocks from a siggy swap I joined ages ago. A few members dropped out or vanished so it took longer than expected but they are certainly worth the wait. Thankyou to everyone who participated and a special thanks to Karin who organized the swap and even sewed my blocks together when my machine was being a butt head. I had all my blocks sewed and ready and just before I sent them I realized I had made them about half an inch too small. So I cut new ones and then my machine decided to stop working at that time. Karin sewed mine together for me and I am very great full. Well here they are.