Covert Robin

My partner for the covert robin was Danny.
It was a bit of a shock at first because I had no idea what to make a man but after a little while I found it a learning experience and I really enjoyed making his gifts.
I stalked his Pinterest account and put my thinking cap on and this is what I came up with.

A covered book

A business card holder

and a magnetic photo frame made from tiny corks

I hope he likes them.

I was spoilt rotten. Jennie from clover and violet made me a lovely gift. There blog is my favourite by far. I love everything they do.

You can see Jennies whole post here
As you can see I received a pouch, needle case, pin cushion, perle cotton, the cutest pins ever, some embroidery needles, scissors and some clips for keyrings.

It all is so pretty and well made. I showed my Mum and she thought it looked professional.
It looks so cute with everything in the pouch. I keep taking everything out to look at and then packing it all back in because it all fits so perfectly.

A special thanks to Jennie for my gift and thankyou to everyone who made the covert robin possible.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. lovely swap gifts sent and received,well done.xx


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